Sunday, August 28, 2011

August 28th - We're not in Kansas Anymore

Driving in a hurricane is never a good idea, but we didn't have much choice on Friday, so we packed up the car and headed East. Quite the adventure. The storm actually was not as bad as predicted and it was great fun getting to know a little more about Philly, though less wet would have been appreciated.

I am now the proud owner of bedding - that does not have music notes on it. And professional clothing that does not make me look like I'm playing dress-up. Though the lady at Target did comment every time I came out wearing something that I looked "cute." Yes, cute works well. Not what I was going for, but you take what you can get in Target in a strange town during the middle of the worst storm they've experienced in 25+ years.

My roommates for the week are wonderful. Already we have bonded over awkward comments and my being unable to push the right direction of the elevator buttons. I now just push them both so that way I'll get one of them right. That and the fact that I can never remember where I've put my key card. I've been here less than 12 hours and I've lost it twice. This is why you should always travel with a buddy. 

We have found places to eat, a park with swings, and TPC. We aren't sure how to get to the 7th floor quite yet but that's not important at the moment.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

August 25th - Packing at its Finest

I could tell you that packing is going well and I'm almost ready, sitting with bated breath for this next adventure to begin.

But. Lying has never been my strong suit and I sure the heck am not almost ready. In fact, the only way I could be farther from being ready would be if I didn't already own the things I needed to back. Yup, struggle bus, here we come. But that's ok. There's a really big storm outside, so clearly I shouldn't be going outside to retrieve items out of the car (yes, all the things from the apartment in Holland, MI are still in the van they arrived in. Don't judge). And it is not my fault that all the laundry I ironed and folded is now being occupied by the dog. She's a dog, she doesn't care that my laundry will now have golden colored hairs all over it.

My room looks similar to the weather outside and I'm woefully unprepared for tomorrow to be my last day. All's good.

I am spending the day saying last good-byes to people I care deeply about and will continue the dance that is unload-unpack-wash-fold-set on floor-repeat. There will most likely be some coffee drinking in there, much to the chagrin of my father, and probably some epic dancing going on at the Jimmy Buffet concert that is to be my final farewell to the Midwest.

And it'll be my own fault when come tomorrow night I'm in the same place, wishing I had more time to get things ready because I was up too late doing nothing particularly useful. Ah well.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

August 16th

I had full intentions of not posting anything until I'd firmly planted my feet in Philadelphia, but like every good story there is always everything that came before that makes the story what it is.

I am currently sitting on the couch in my apartment. This is where I have spent a majority of my summer afternoons after work. Do not pity or think this odd. I have grown very fond of this couch, we have bonded. When I first moved in, I was very concerned. The furniture in the living room (I suppose 'living room' is an adequate title for the room where I do most of my living) is a some form or another of "pleather." Now I am not quite sure what exactly this is. But lets just say it's not warm and comfy and makes super awkward sounds when you shift around. But none-the-less the couch and I have shared many moments together this summer.

We had Brina's birthday, starting my classes, bidding for various things on Ebay that were never won, purchasing more books on Amazon than I will probably read in a year, the start of Season Two for Rizzoli & Isles, the discovery of Criminal Minds on Ion Television, and sleeping on the couch when moving was more challenging than sucking up the uncomfortableness of the couch. 

And now it's time for me to leave. This couch and I must part tomorrow before I start another adventure to the east coast. New couches with unusual sounds, and though exciting and wonderful and grand, it's a little sad.

I have made wonderful, life-changing relationships this summer - with the people I work with and people I have encountered along the way. Here in my blanket with my feet propped on the super heavy table I hate vacuuming around, I realize how lucky I am. I have people that support my decisions, albeit 'support' has various definitions in relation to the individual.  I have the opportunity to study and grow in another part of the county for a semester with the guidance of people that love me. It'll be great.

I suppose the reason it's so intimidating is the realization that this is one of those life moments where I can't go back. College provides you the chance to realize you are growing up and have minor (or major) meltdowns in a location where people can love you along the way and help you figure out your next step.

So as I sit here in my pajamas, eating the Tostitos I had to run to the car at midnight to retrieve (because I apparently didn't think I would be hungry between 8:30pm and 12:00noon tomorrow), surrounded by all the packing that I should probably finish, I am overwhelmed with the sense of blessing that I have so much in my life as I make that next step. Tomorrow afternoon I will say a fond farewell to Holland, MI, Hope College, and all those who I have come to treasure, until I return in January.

Next stop - Yorktown, Indiana. 

Oh - and I have no idea where all this stuff came from. I think all my things invited friends for the summer because there is no way I hauled all this from a dorm room.